Downtown Nashville Scavengar Hunt

Downtown Nashville Scavengar Hunt

This is a summer themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played In the mall.
In groups the youth will explore and find popular places downtown. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 5 times

summer scavenger hunt background
Take a picture with all your team members wearing a cowboy hat.
This area was home to two large newspapers, ten print shops, and thirteen publishers.
Go where Watch Me Move: The Animation Show is featured and bring back a brochure given by customer service- whale call
Look up at the windows of this music building,you will see designs resembling a piano keyboard.
Go in this bible store and find the lowest clearance item. If your right the rep. will sign.
Inside this super hero building find a stand and answer the questions and bring the sheet back.
Get the month's activity schedule for children's story time
For a Mile a tribute to all genres you will see on your feet. Write down 3 honorees
Walking is fun but riding is better find a Blue/Green Circuit to take you to where flutes,violin etc. plays
Restored terminal 19th -Century building , Victorian architecture, resembles a Castle

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