Sophomore Challenge

Sophomore Challenge

This is a fairies themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around school.
Created this for a class bonding exercise. . It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 1 times

fairies scavenger hunt background
Your group needs to find a fair way to decide the order of your turns. Take a picture of that order.
Get a picture taken of your whole team looking up to the heavens with deep emotion (your choice) for answers to your deepest questions.
Using a nickel and four different types of leaves (as many leaves as you want, just four different kinds) create an artistic design on a bench and then take a picture of it. All team members must participate.
Take a picture of another team from a distance doing a task...they cannot know their picture is being taken!
Get a parent you don't know or an aftercare teacher to take your team's picture on the circle spinny thing on the 1st and 2nd grade playground. You have to be spinning on it! Ask politely!
A picture of your whole team on the farm. All need to be in the picture and it needs to posed as if to tell a story of a poor village harvest in Medieval times.
A picture of your team on Oak Stage acting out a scene from a Michael Jackson video and then another picture from the play Annie.
A picture of your whole team in a class room, backs up against the chalk board with talk bubbles above your heads. You cannot make your own talk bubble! Everyone has to do someone else's! Can only be five words! Be kind!
A Haiku poem spelled out with sticks and/or rocks/pebbles. One team member comes up with the first word then all taking turns until the poem is complete.
A picture of your team in the kindergarten yard acting out a scene that would take place there during a typical school day. Must be Waldorf style!

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