This is your first clue on your Journey! Please leave your seat and go to the kitchen area and enjoy a nice treat!
YAY! You found clue number two! Please drink plenty of Water along with your snack! Then proceed to your mailbox to read about someone famous!
Clue number three is somewhere with memories...Perhaps at Tangenne or a Nordstroms nearby??
So you found clue number three, and my last clue was cuter... your next clue is hidden around a place to rest-in your desk you will find something about forgiveness!
I know my last clue was not off the hook.... your next clue is in a "green cat" book! (well sort of)
I know my clues are not the best and this is your last clue!!!!!!!!!! Are you excited to find out who had you? If you want to know, and I know you do-come to the secret snowflake party here at watson just shy of 2! who knows you might get some kind of movie, some drama perhaps, but for sure a book about reading, baking and for sure a nice cool cookie!
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