Girls track team scavenger hunt

Girls track team scavenger hunt

This is a sports themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around school.
I created this game for the week of our state track meet for team building.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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sports scavenger hunt background
This first item links you to a team. Amber thought is had magnetic properties. Don't want to START the race without it!
Now that you found item #1. You must pass it along and figure out where to put it when the race is done?
The good ol med kit is where you'll find this. This may determine your fate if you don't have the pink?
You'll find your next clue that begins after WE WIN the 2 mile relay :)It officially begins the meet with the spang?
Congrats that was a tough one, your are almost done. Your next clue is near the vault where Jaelyn must soar 7 ft up?
That was easy so here another...Hop, hop hop you go, skip, skip, skip down you go. Hop up high to find this clue?
Carlee is our star who will shine in this will have to dig deep to find your next clue.
Andrea will dash all around the track fast and this is the corner where she will need to run stronger than all the rest!
2 miles relay team you will start the day off, make sure you sprint and smoke this corner off.
In the 300 hurdles Jaelyn's gonna go fast. She has to stay low with her legs moving fast. To find your last clue you check all of these fast! Collect them all and put in the middle. Jr's get to pick on first.

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