Around The Church Scavenger Hunt

Around The Church Scavenger Hunt

This is a brain-science themed scavenger hunt game intended for Everyone, and played At the sports center.
For Church Family Night. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 9 times

brain-science scavenger hunt background
Find the room with a trip around the world.
Have you had your bath today? Some fair weathered friends flew the coup to bathe here.
The Goose has laid find one for your team and put it in the youngest team members pocket.
Beside the glass that is not clear, pop one at a time til you get to 9.
Find a Unopend Roll and unroll it from beginning to end in a straight rowwith out tearing it.
4 spoons and a jar. You may lean over, but not too far. Challenge is in the Stair Well of MPR.
In the loftiest place find and chew the gum and stick it on a plate to make the figure 8.
Look high and low where the cool water flows and the heated sweet awaits. Everyone eats one.
Find the spot where marked with and X it is near a Exit if I must say. Hold Hands EVERYONE and Say a Prayer!
The End. Return w/your team w/all of their tokens (not 1 missing) to where Jesus is Praying

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