Bedikat Hametz Scavenger Hunt

Bedikat Hametz Scavenger Hunt

This is a passover themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played other.
You will use your feather and your spoon and your flashlight to collect the hametz hidden around various parts of camp.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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passover scavenger hunt background
Your first hametz should <div>be where we go to pray.  </div><div>Go to where we read the Torah on yontiff and Shabbat day.</div>
<font><font class="">Nothing but net,but remember to find the item that </font></font><div><font><font class="">begins with a chet!</font></font></div>
 If you want to relax by  the lake, these pieces of furniture are the best for a break.  
<font><font class="">You'll be eating outside </font></font><div><font><font class="">in this quaint place. Just get the hametz out of the space.</font></font></div>
You can reach new heights here; just make sure it's hametz-clear.
<font><font class="">Look under here where many people gather together. </font></font><div><font><font class="">Find the hametz and use </font></font></div><div><font><font class="">your feather.</font></font></div>
Go to this luach and find Nisan.  Hametz may be <div>there resting on.</div>
<font><font class="">We call it the kikar </font></font><div><font><font class="">during the summer - </font></font></div><div><font><font class="">"migrash futbol" might be another.</font></font></div>
A fun place to play here <div>at Darom; but we need to </div><div>make it a bread-free zone.</div>
<font><font class="">This is what happens at </font></font><div><font><font class="">the the very end - to be </font></font></div><div><font><font class="">free from hametz, we must burn and to the air we </font></font></div><div><font><font class="">send!</font></font></div>

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